There are different types of flooring, but the most durable and toughest flooring is epoxy flooring. This is the best type of flooring for driveways and garages. Any concrete flooring can be made waterproof, stain-resistant, durable and resistant to abrasion by applying an epoxy coating on it. The alternative is to apply epoxy paint, which is standard acrylic paint mixed with a small amount of epoxy. How to Apply Epoxy Garage Floor Coating?
Step 1: Surface Preparation
The first thing to do when you want to apply epoxy coating on your driveway or garage floor is to prepare the surface. Proper preparation will help to ensure a strong bond is formed between the floor and the epoxy coating. There are many surface preparation techniques you can use. The easiest is grinding, but this may not be applicable if there are chemical, grease or oil stains on the floor. With chemical etching, an acid solution is applied to the surface and left to stand for around 10 minutes. The surface is then rinsed and dried before the epoxy can be applied.
Step 2: Cleaning
After surface preparation, there is bound to be microdust on the surface. These impurities can weaken the bond between the concrete floor and epoxy coating, so they need to be removed. The easiest way to remove any impurities from the surface is to vacuum the floor. You can save a lot of primer when you clean the surface properly.
Step 3: Prime the Floor
There are claims that priming is not necessary, but this is a misguided opinion. To get the best results, you need to prime the floor with a suitable epoxy primer. After all, priming helps to build a strong bond between the surface and epoxy coating, and can significantly increase the life of your epoxy flooring.
Ideally, you should apply two layers of the primer to properly seal the concrete floor. If there are any cracks and holes in the floor, you should fill them up before priming. Be sure to use epoxy grout to fill these holes and cracks.
Step 4: Prepare the Epoxy
When you are ready to apply the epoxy coating, use an electric mixer to thoroughly mix the epoxy hardener and epoxy resin in equal parts. Once thoroughly mixed, you can start applying the first coating to the floor.
Step 5: Apply the First Epoxy Coating
Once the mixture is ready, use a roller to apply the first epoxy coating to the concrete floor. You want to use the highest quality rollers because low-quality rollers may start shedding. Ideally, you should let this coating harden for 24 hours before you apply the second coating. In case there are some uneven surfaces on the floor, you may need to do some sanding before applying the second coating. Any holes and cracks should also be filled before the final coat is applied.
Step 6: Apply the Final Coating
Once the first coat has dried and any uneven surfaces, holes and cracks have been dealt with, you can apply the final coat to create a perfect finish. Please note that a pot of epoxy has a life of 40 minutes, so be sure to make and use one bucket at a time. You need to work fast to ensure the epoxy does not harden inside the bucket as this will be a huge waste.
DIY vs Hiring a Pro
There are many people who can apply epoxy coating on their garage floor with a few DIY resources. However, most people will need to hire an expert. There are many contractors that can do the job in every city, so you only need to search the web. The ideal contractor should charge a competitive rate for their service. They must also be licensed and insured against all possible risks. Only firms that offer different types of guarantees should be accorded any consideration because you want guaranteed results.